Tentacles, presented by the Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation, take guests out to the open ocean's deep waters and place them amid jellyfish, cuttlefish, and other strange and wonderful species.
This dark environment showcases the ocean’s deepest depths, where sunlight can’t reach, but life thrives nonetheless. In this unfamiliar world, guests are treated to an up-close look at these unusual animals and even the opportunity to touch them. Several species of jellyfish are illuminated to give our guests an up-close at these floating phantoms – without fear of being stung. At our moon jelly touch pool, gently pet these delicate and translucent creatures and learn more about their fascinating features from our knowledgeable staff.
The Tentacles exhibit aims to highlight these species to start a conversation about an important environmental issue: marine debris. Debris such as plastic bags, bottles, and monofilament looks similar to jellies, a major component of several sea turtle species’ diets. Eating these items can devastate the health of sea turtles and many other ocean creatures.