Saving Sharks

Saving Sharks is an interactive, informative exhibition meant to change your mind about sharks.

These fish have long portrayed as mindless man-eaters, but this exhibit shows that humans are in fact the biggest threat to sharks, with their populations being reduced as much as 90 percent due to overfishing, habitat alteration, marine debris, and climate change. Learn how sharks need to be protected rather than feared, since they are crucial to maintaining a healthy ocean ecosystem. See the life-sized great white shark replica, step inside the jaws of the prehistoric Megalodon and full-sized diving cage, and track tagged sharks in real time via OCEARCH’s Global Shark Tracker. At our touch pool, you can even touch some live sharks. Most importantly, discover how you can help save these misunderstood creatures and make the ocean a healthier place for sharks and humans alike.

animals in this exhibit

  • Epaulette shark

    This shark gets it name from the white-lined black spots behind its pectoral fins, which resembled military epaulettes.

  • White Spotted Bamboo Shark

    Bamboo sharks are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs. Their egg casings are nicknamed “mermaid’s purses” for their unique shape.