TSA Releases 10 of the 11 Kemp's Ridley Cold-Stunned Turtles
March 30, 2022
A four-month journey comes full circle! On Friday, March 25, 2022, the Texas State Aquarium released 10 of the 11 cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles that came to the Wildlife Rescue Center all the way from New England Aquarium back in early December 2021.
These sea turtles were part of 32 sea turtles transported to various rehabilitation facilities in Corpus Christi by Turtles Fly Too. They were found cold-stunned on Cape Cod, Massachusetts beaches and were suffering from hypothermia, pneumonia, and other injuries from being washed against rocks.
After four months of care and treatment, these Kemp’s ridleys fully recovered from the cold-stunning and related health complications at the Texas State Aquarium’s Wildlife Rescue Center. The Aquarium’s veterinary team provided expert medical care, including physical exams, bloodwork, x-rays, and antibiotic treatments. Last week, the veterinary staff announced the turtles were ready to be released back into the wild. One turtle will remain at the Rescue Center while the TSA Animal Health team treats its’ infection.
The sea turtle release took place at Padre Balli Park in front of beachgoers that were on hand to witness this special moment.
When you visit the Texas State Aquarium, you don’t just make memories, you help us make stories like this happen. Thank you!
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