Teen STEM Café: Microfossils
Mon. February 24, 2020 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Texas State Aquarium’s Teen STEM Café, Making Waves, offers Coastal Bend teens an opportunity to engage in current science topics in a fun and casual setting.
Teen STEM Cafés are FREE to attend and there is no registration required.
Please note the Teen STEM Café is only open to high school teens aged 13-17
Each month, teens will explore a new science topic and career pathways. Topics and presenters are identified by our Teen Leadership Team, which helps us guide the program and run the events. Through interactive topic introductions, demonstrations, and discussions, teens and professionals together will explore the science, technology, engineering, and math endeavors that are shaping our blue planet. Teen STEM Cafés are held at the Texas State Aquarium, and they are free and open to any high school teen.
The Making Waves Teen STEM Café is part of a national network of Teen Science Cafes. For more information about the program, visit https://teensciencecafe.org/ .